A versatile component that ensures longevity throughout your career. “Flexibility”.

Posted: October 25, 2022
Guitar Thrills Magazine
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When you think about a versatile person, what comes to mind? Is it their ability to adapt to any situation? If so, you would be right. In fact a versatile person can adapt to many “different” functions or activities. The end result is longevity and flexibility. It is almost impossible to have a person be adaptable and exercise flexibility. Especially when they have become accustomed to a process. The function of a process usually follows stringent guidelines, so that everything will go according to plan. Let’s face the facts. Process is no longer conducive to the longevity of anyone with career goals in mind. Especially if you are a musician, athlete, or actor. There has to be flexibility, the component of versatility must be something that defines you. Otherwise, you may find yourself on the other end of a losing situation. Specifically in the highly competitive world of entertainment.

If you think about the life course of Andrea Krakovska, you will see a person that is extremely flexible. Not just because she can hang from a rope upside down, but she is able to perform at a high level. Even with different genres of bands. In fact, Andrea has performed with multiple bands at the same time. Can you imagine the versatility that is involved to accomplish that? I know it’s not in my nature, so I am not going to pretend. That is why I go to the professionals for their advice. I did research on Andrea Krakovska, and have been prepared to ask some time sensitive questions.

If you know Andrea she is involved in many projects at this time. She is regularly performing with the bands Southbound XO and the Toxic Dolls. They are both phenomenal bands. With a versatile individual like Andrea, how is she going to maintain her fast past life, and ensure the longevity of her music career? That was one of the questions that stood out in my mind. We will get a chance to ask her soon.


Interview with Andrea Krakovska and Guitar Thrills Magazine

GT: Hello Andrea. Thank you for making the time to speak with Guitar Thrills Magazine today. We wanted to zero in on this topic that says so much about you, rather than a normal questionnaire that many interviews pose. It is important that we get our readers to understand your versatility or ability to adapt. Can you tell us what you have been up to, just within the last couple of months or so?

Andrea: The last few years have shown us all that regardless of what industry you are in, we all need to be able to adapt as the world is constantly changing around us! Prior to the pandemic I was performing every week, and of course that all changed during lockdown. While the live music industry was shut down, I turned my efforts into recording and home producing. I learnt how to record my own tracks and how to film/edit my own videos. Now I have a whole new skill set in addition to my performance versatility that I can use to continue forward with my music! Since live music has returned I've been lucky enough to have a schedule packed with aerial shows, band gigs and festivals around the country! When I'm not performing I'm working on some fantastic collaborations with musicians around the world as well as working on my own music to release in the next few months!


GT: That is many roles to play. What enables you to be so flexible in your schedule? Where do you get this trait of being versatile?

Andrea: Time management and scheduling is so important when you're juggling multiple projects! I think I'm part of three or four separate shared calendars just between the individual bands themselves, and then I have my own calendar where I consolidate everything I have coming up. Versatility as a musician has opened so many doors for me. Had I stayed in one lane and not opened myself up to playing in different genres and environments I don't believe I would have so many incredible opportunities in this industry! This versatility definitely comes from lots of hard work, learning from others and dedication to being an all-rounded musician.


GT: The evidence is there, the result of your hard work and flexibility has landed you in several successful projects, all at the same time. How did this come about? What made you decide to stick with multiple ventures?

Andrea: Working hard and saying yes to opportunities has brought me where I am today! You never know who is watching you perform or who you will meet - and that's both online and in person! The more you put yourself out there the more people will take notice and want to hire you for their projects. I've played hundreds of gigs for countless different artists and bands, played in TV commercials, I've even performed and acted in more music videos for other artists than I have for my own bands!


GT: Did you know the other musicians in Southbound XO and Toxic Dolls prior to joining them? What was your decision making process?

Andrea: I didn't know a single member when I auditioned for the Toxic Dolls. It was my first ever band audition and I was so nervous I was actually going to call the manager the day before the audition to pull out. Before I picked up the phone to do so she had sent me an email expressing how excited everyone was to meet me, and I remember feeling that I didn't want to let anyone down so I went ahead with the audition. On the way there I was already practicing my rejection speech for when they inevitably would tell me 'no'. I got the gig on the spot and to this day I strongly believe if it wasn't for that one single email, I wouldn't be doing what I am today.

Since then I've said yes to opportunities to perform for many other projects, through one of those bands I worked with the manager who would later go on to start Southbound (which was recently renamed Southbound XO).


GT: I noticed that with Southbound XO and Toxic Dolls that you have played at festivals and major events. Was this in Australia only, or were there other places that you performed at?

Andrea: Yes, I've been lucky enough to perform at some incredible festivals and events around Australia - and I have my first international shows booked next year so keep an eye out!


GT: Is there a particular place that you would love to play? If so, where, and why is that?

Andrea: At the moment I am looking for the right venue to put on a one-of-a-kind band show with aerial acrobatics! It has been a dream of mine to perform an aerial guitar show with a full band, and I am in the process of finding the perfect location to make that happen!


GT: One of your favorite companions is your guitar. What is the brand, and why is it your favorite choice? Also, are you currently being sponsored by them?

Andrea: I am not currently sponsored by anyone, but my favorite possession in the world is my ESP Eclipse II! I have played many guitars and brands, and always come back to this one! I've played it so much I think this guitar is now moulded to me, I feel so at home and comfortable playing it.


GT: We are simply amazed by your accomplishments. As I mentioned before, this topic was a direct fit for your skillset. A versatile person is a career minded individual. One that has the ability to succeed at any level. We know to expect only the best from Andrea Krakovska. Do you have any plans of releasing a new album? What are you planning for the groups that you are in?

Andrea: I recently collaborated with an international all-female project called Chaos Rising and they've just released a double-length album. The song I worked on is on the album, it's called 'No Weakness' - I wrote and recorded the guitar solo on this track! I've recently also recorded guitar parts for a new song to be released with Southbound XO, and am working on my own original music to release in the next few months!


GT: That is awesome. We want you to know that your interview will be published online and in our next issue of Guitar Thrills Magazine. I look forward to working on this issue. There are some format changes, and it will highlight each of the artists to a great degree, so make sure you get a copy of the November issue. Thank you so much for taking the time today. Can we get a follow up interview with you as well?

Andrea: Yes definitely, looking forward to it!


GT: Awesome. Take care, until we talk again soon.

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