About Guitar Thrills

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Founded in 2021. GUITAR THRILLS MAGAZINE of Tampa, FL

Guitar Thrills Magazine of Tampa, FL U.S.A. The GUITAR THRILLS MAGAZINE is excited to bring you some of the music industries finest talent. Including the world of entertainment.

Our focus includes the long term goals and aspirations of artists of all sorts. We are an unbiased reporting platform. You are getting insight into the world of music. No, we are not your fathers website for music news. We have grown into our own, and rely upon decades of music experience and knowledge. Guitar Thrills Magazine is a hard act to follow.

Guitar Thrills Magazine out of Tampa, FL monitors the data for real time feedback of the most popular and talented artists. We look to be the only source for fact finding news, in the world of entertainment. If you have tips on topics that should be researched, feel free to reach out to us.

  • Guitar Thrills Magazine was founded in 2021 and purposed to improve upon the reputation and public awareness for talented artists. Our line of work includes all genre’s of music, including Country, Jazz, Folk, Pop, and Rock.
  • Our background includes, Public Relations, Booking, Interviews, Podcasts, Radio and T.V. spots. Guitar Thrills Magazine. has resources around the globe. Our mission is to keep you entertained with the most current independent artists that the industry has to offer. This also includes independent artists in the Movie and T.V. Industry.
  • Regardless of the genre of music you represent, Guitar Thrills Magazine. has something to offer you. Take advantage of our interviews, and insights. After all, its about your career.
  • For those, that are non artists, and look to gain more knowledge, you are on the right platform. Please be engaged, when possible. Offer advice, and feedback whenever possible. Let your friends, family, and neighbors know about Guitar Thrills Magazine. Thank you for being part of something great. “The Music and Entertainment Industry”.

- Guitar Thrills Magazine. All rights reserved. Copyright 2023.

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”
— Winston S. Churchill

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Guitar Thrills Magazine. 2023 Copyright. All rights reserved.